Thursday, September 1, 2016

Georgetown Underground Railroad

Georgetown University is offering preferential admission to their school as a sort of reparation for their school improving due to a slave sale back in 1848. Their descendants will be admitted on the basis of...well, you got me.

Would they have to take S.A.Ts? Write a recommendation letter? Prove...their heritage? Also, admittance doesn't necessarily mean covering costs either. Georgetown isn't cheap. I went to its ugly sister school at Loyola Marymount. Fuckin' private school is expensive, and exclusive. Good luck with slave trading there.

So, there are a ton of details I think inquiring minds NEED to know. For instance, how isn't this discrimination?  But I get what they're doing. They're trying to right a wrong and offering something maybe one billionth percent of the descendants will come out of the woodwork to collect. Like if I said "anyone who bought a Zenith television in 1990 and the tube went out, please bring your old set to Service Merchandise to collect."

To let you in on this awful joke, Nothing above I've just mentioned exists anymore. But come collect if you qualify.

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