Thursday, September 15, 2016

System Failure

If you still have big dreams to work in the film industry so you can be a star of some kind…you probable want to stop reading now…
Really now…
…alright, the issue of fame is over.  You will never, in any capacity of entertainment, be a star in any field. BECAUSE, the curtain has been pulled. YouTube destroyed the mystique and the rest of the world praised themselves for it.
The issue is this…subpar digital cameras got into the hands of consumers. In my day, we had camcorders whose quality is nowhere NEAR film. Today, it comes so close, no one cares. And it can be gotten easily. The vendors panicked and now any 8 year old who can push a button can make their neighbor a “star.” Most are really terrible productions. Some have merit. Though, just because it’s slightly better than the terrible, we’ve downsized to acceptable. That is so fucking sad, I can’t even explain it.
The democratization of filmmaking meant the learning curve is non-existent. The quality suffers massively. And businesses naturally focus on the bottom line. A digitally shot movie LOOKS LIKE SHIT. Though the last three Oscars were won by films shot digitally. What does that tell you (no, fuckface, I don’t need to accept film is dead)? That it’s business driven. Had the cinematography awards been voted on strictly on quality rather than commerce, we’d be looking at more film based movies (as we’re seeing now). I sincerely doubt the cinematographer on those movies is any where near as proud of those movies than his previous ones on film. It’s a colorists’ world now.
The other thing is…and this should REALLY irk actors. Anyone can do it. SO they think.
Yep, all those hard earned hours studying and learning and mentoring with massively talented actors? You’re left with a teenager who made the “sobering drug movie of the year.” See, that’s not a story, that’s something you know is bad that happens and you piggyback on the message. This business has gotten so fucking retarded, it rewards…”good enough.” But…maybe I have to keep looking at it this way…BUSINESS!!!!! Yes, cheaper cheaper cheaper. Images don’t look better because of higher resolution. Images look better to these assholes because it’s cheaper.
Us building you up is over.
And if you think I’m full of shit, consider Al Pacino, Josh Duhamel and Anthony Hopkins, Alice Eve, Malin Ackerman, Julia Stiles were in a less than $10 million dollar flick. The name alone would have you break even. It barely broke $100 in the UK box office. Yes, that number isn’t missing zeroes.
So why do I make movies? Well, I do and I don’t. I like telling stories to entertain. I do it on my own dime. And have very little aspirations to have studios pick me up. Much like the people I surround myself with, maybe it changes the dynamics of filmmaking back to craft. Instead of people chasing the market.

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