Monday, May 23, 2016

Why I Hate Remakes

I think I figured out why I hate remakes so much...
When I got into movies, the ones I loved were embedded into my head. I could watch them repeatedly and never grow tire of them. They were great stories told with great craft.
The issue with remakes is, this notion of iconic moments. Movies that reach this status are pretty rare. The American Film Institute loves to put together lists that rate them. This is only a tiny poll of what is out there. And it's a complete mess nowadays.

The idea of original stories that become legends, is that reason alone. Take "The Magnificent Seven" for instance. A classic of a remake. Actually, perfect example. It's a solid western, but taken from "The Seven Samurai"...what you essentially did was re-tool with English for American public. What you didn't realize was, in doing so, you've diluted the history of the Akira Kurosawa movie. Thus, thinning out the iconography of a Japanese classic. The world doesn't know Toshiro Mifune due to this. The same as if you remade "Ghostbusters." What the new generation will see is THIS version of it. Thus, diluting the impact the original had. And, the residual effect is also fucking with star power. You've now reverse the roles of the characters and putting the original cast into a more...filtered role. They become less important in the history of film.

There are no stars today, because of that. You think Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie or Will Smith are stars? Nope. Stars had projects that are embedded in the history of film. I wouldn't say "Top Gun" belongs in the canon of movies like "Rebel Without A Cause" if you consider the relative years spaced between the two.
What remakes do is kill stars. They should be the most up in arms about it. Since their legacy is dissolved every time sequels or remakes are done. The only truth we're left with (and obviously), it's completely and totally a financial thing. A remake or sequel, you can quantify the audience. It crushes the spirit of those looking for original material, since it can't find an audience without distribution. To which, they want a sequel or remake.

A-list actors should fight harder for their legacy to be preserved. I understand it's just movies, but I think, there are usually not many people who clamor for remakes. It's always met with a groan. But the audience still shows up. And until that changes, we will never have stars ever again.

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