Friday, May 20, 2016

San Francisco Police Chief Resigns After Shooting

Where are you Dirty Harry Callahan?
Lady sitting in a car that was reported stolen. Cop turns on sirens and lights. To which STUPID FUCKING lady drives off. To which she endangered many of your homo lives. Guess those lives don't matter.

Anyway, car slams into a utility vehicle. And then cop shoots lady in car. She died. She happened to be Black. So, therefore, police chief resigns with his paycheck securely attached.

Society up north have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. IF you steal a fucking car, it's your ass. NO ONE seems to believe the consequences can be that grave. Driving recklessly through the streets...and if we're going down this road, with what amounts to a loaded weapon (crazy car thief behind a wheel), the world is a BETTER place for not having people like this on it.

Get it?
But instead, piece of shit Mayor and it's bobble headed creampuffs want Chief to step down. He gets paid, you lose experience. Man are you dumb.

But whatever, this stems from a Mexican homeless man who was wielding a knife that got shot by police. What's the alternative? Let him walk around with a knife wielding it at the general public? Also, whatever happened to that illegal who shot the poor tourist WHITE girl in San Fran? That ever get resolved.

Grow some fucking balls, you assholes. Not every Mary in that town has to decide what you do. Especially since they function on emotion and not common sense. Fuck, man.

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