Friday, May 13, 2016

Speaking Of American Work Ethic...

Yesterday a technician who works on the machines I work on, came by to fine tune it.

He told me he had .16 cents in his bank account. He is married with a wife and a house. The guy made a snide comment on how fast I was rolling through the film footage. To the sense of "They're not paying you by the foot." In other words, "why are you working so hard for a company that isn't paying you that much."

Because I take pride in what I do, dumb fuck.
And it may be why a nearly 50 year old guy has .16 cents to his name.

The lesson here, be proud of what you're doing, no matter what it is. The minute things are "beneath you" or "you deserve better" is when you become the worst thing that America can be. A work ethic isn't about what you SHOULD be doing, it is what you're doing now. I promise you, it translates to when you do get to do what you want.

That's also the biggest issue with Hollywood. Everyone is climbing to do something else. No one ever looks at what they're doing NOW and is excited by it. I get that. What you should do is appreciate you are doing something to supplement what you want to do. There will be a ton less resentment to others. It's a tall order, but try your best. Everything is temporary anyway.

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