Friday, May 20, 2016

"Ghostbusters" (2016) trailer hates

“Geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met in my life,” Feig told the New York Daily News... “Especially after being attacked by them for months because of this ‘Ghostbusters’ project.”~ Paul Feig

So there lies in wait, the most hated trailer on YouTube. And this was the response from its overrated "director."

"Bridesmaids" was the most overrated dumb, unfunny sack of shit ever. I use hyperbole to combat the flipside which dubbed it "the best comedy ever made." Like we never thought women were funny. They aren't. That movie isn't. Of course, that just means I don't have a sense of humor. No, I just found torturing Wiig over her low-esteem versus Rose Everyone-Wants-To-Bang Byrne really tiresome. No one ever stopped to think that behavior between shitty women isn't funny, it's tragic. Even more tragic is that Maya Rudolph is way too understanding or completely idiotic for befriending two clearly different people. It suited the plot. Barf.

I did like "The Heat" and "Spy" though. There is an endearing quality to that movie that transcended Bridesmaids." Sisterhood done to a better emotional core. Not some phony plot device that suited its story. It was so fantastically dumb, it became something of a mythical land of make believe.

I've said it in the past, so I'll mention it again here...there is an arrogance to remaking something all these "geeks" love. And then flipping it to say that these geeks need to get over themselves. So says the guy who relies on their ticket sales to keep making his crap. His attitude, for sure, breeds the worst in Hollywood. Believing your own press. Which is only good when you are succeeding. Good luck when you hit the basement. See how many of these geeks will bail you out.

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