Monday, May 2, 2016

"Logan's Run" (1976)

Unfortunately, this movie has been ripped off so many times it will go down in history as a quaint movie. Having watched it off and on for the past four decades, I finally sat down to watch it in entirety.
The story is of a man who lives in a shell of a society which, due to Earth’s population, instills a life span. Once you are over the age of 30…you are “renewed.” Implies that you will be terminated to make room for younger. Not a bad concept, right? Nope. The issue is that they never factor in “the human spirit.” Which is to exist at all costs. Michael York plays Logan…what is morbidly referred to as a “sandman.” Which is a type of police who chases down runners (who don’t want to die). He’s great at his job. Until he meets up with a woman (played by Jenny Agutter…a fantastic set of tits, for a PG movie you see it all!) who guilt trips him over a friend of hers he terminated. Supposedly the development of a conscience renders him incapable of the duties. And during one of his assessments of a faceless computerized beings, his own termination date is pushed up. This leads him to run. And attempt to discover the “sanctuary.” A mythical place where freedom lies.
While this movie is dated, and somewhat silly…the concept is not. It’s a great social message of population control. And the ability of society to police themselves into extinction. What really hits the core message is that we are content in our ignorance of how controlled we really are. Which is fine for some. The issue is when a few attempt to turn society rules, they are summarily labeled “troublemakers.” And need to be stopped. Yes, the message goes against much of how I feel about police. What we do see now (in 2016) are police getting dumber and the people who hire them getting richer. This follows suit to what may eventually occur in this world. Keep in mind, the new generation may be self-policing, as less children are being born into this world. “Idiocracy” does a version of this future that is far more frightening. The idea of “Logan’s Run” is that, we do go against what isn’t within our nature. The systemic extermination of a group becomes an odd version of play. They turn “renewals” into a gladiatorial display, where they are celebrated to go into the next world (Michael Bay’s “The Island” does the same thing in lottery form.) While the concept isn’t brand new (“The Lottery” for instance), it is an fascinating look at what happens when it is taken too far.
Perhaps “the poor” in this world understand this (as they tend to procreate faster). While the intelligencia appears to enjoy controlling the masses, using fear and intimidation. To that, I can’t give you a solution. Keep in mind, we’re talking the mid-70’s here that was looking at the world in 2274. I won’t live to say if it becomes true or not, but I think they’re being generous in their prediction. Or attempting not to put that much fear and paranoia in us until it mattered.

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