Friday, February 2, 2018

Why I Hate Movie Award Shows

It's no longer about movies you can watch over and over again. It's about what did the other guy vote for.
"Time's up" ought to be about how this town boned themselves royally. The movies that this town drool over are not second viewing movies. Which is why believe "Unforgiven" may be the last Best Picture movie worth re-visiting. I mean "Spotlight" or "Moonlight" Give me a fucking break. I loved "The Florida Project"...can't ever go back down that road. I LOVED "Phantom Thread" I don't think our society would tolerate it in the year 3018. In the past, most had voted for movies that could define America at the time. Another argument as to why maybe we don't need award shows anymore. It's not like it boosts tickets sales anymore. Most people do their research. And the ones that don't don't want to see movies with substance. But therein lies the true problem. Movies no longer have substance. It can't reflect or comment on society without it being too ham-fisted or corny. You think this era cinema rewarded REAL stories? Forget it. We're horrific storytellers nowadays because we need to inject a message. Fuck that.
Maybe it's that the agendas are poorly hidden now. That we aren't even trying with the Trump hate or the anti-military. Or anti-gun. Which is why a movie like "Get Out" seems to be the best choice out of the rest. It has that old school oddball movie that use to get an opportunity to win. Like how I would imagine "Harold & Maude." Or celebrated directors like Stanley Kubrick. can see a little magic in their work. And skates the line of gimmick. It's the closest we're going to get when we rewarded a truly original (yet feels familiar) movie.
But alas, I doubt the voters here will do the right thing. The Oscar voters are full retard. Unable to budge from their mob mentality despite movies they most likely haven't seen, if only because their other Leftist friends convinced them to vote as such. "Ladybird" is unwatchable stupid idiotic garbage. But most sad sack Hollywood-ites LOVE to read the diary of a pathetic teen.
That's where we stand now. That's why I hate the new machine.

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