Monday, February 26, 2018

The Times They Are A' Changin' In Movies

As I sat in the theater watching the GOD AWFUL trailers for movies, it occurred to me that we are what the movie "Idiocracy" predicted. We are at "Butt: The Movie." Hollywood has straight up given up on craft. They know it and don't care. What made me so antsy in my recliner sofa'd seat was...the audience didn't care. In fact the middle aged man next to me with his ridiculously fat White kids were laughing and reciting the lines back like seals. Oh did my stomach turn. Not to say I didn't like that a man that rotund took his children to experience movies in theater The upcoming movies are horrible. Not a shred of class. Now, cleary it's on me to be going to more arthouse movies myself (which I do). But it also occurred to me that those movies are now a watered down version of the stunts and gags Hollywood gets away with. There is actually a movie about teenagers attempting to lose their virginity at prom called "Cock Blockers" but can't even write the word "cock." It's unbelievable how low we've sank. There is no way any movie in the 80's or 90's got this far into the toilet (even Adam Sandler flicks). You had to search to find it. Now...Troma movies would be considered tame today.
This obviously is how much we've gone away from story telling and into spectacle. And so glad I no longer want to be a part of it. By the way, it's not that the general audience wanted it this way. Movie makers are cramming this down our throats and people are adapting to it. They know as a whole society is this dumb. I wonder how much of a attendance drop it would be if they made great humorous human drama that didn't involve forced raunch. Relatively speaking "Lawrence of Arabia" did fine without a vibrator joke.

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