Friday, February 9, 2018

First Draft Finished

Nothing feels as great as finishing a feature film script.
Nothing feels as bad as re-writing the whole fucking thing.
There is a romanticized notion that writing is a fun thing. It's not. Anyone who tells you that writes garbage. Some believe if you're miserable writing a script the reader is miserable reading it. There's some truth in that. Though I fall under the camp of the people who write with a stupid smile on their face are too dumb to know their story isn't film worthy. And the reader will be subjected to gobbly-gook. This is the creeping thought that should be in every writer's head. Don't make your shit unreadable to the dumbest person on Earth. I know for a fact all my favorite storytellers thought this to be the case.

I know...why do it then?
Because you have to express what's in your mind to others. In other words, a gameplan for others to build the ship.
To me, I've read some awful awful scripts by friends who bounce around the concept of writing like it's nothing. Well...if it's that simple, it goes without saying, the story is probably dumb enough without the details. And that's fine. Recently a few Oscar contending scripts would fall under the catergory of logical retardism. Which is a byproduct of desperately hitting that point where time and money allows you the opportunity to make a movie.
Okay, look, we're not trying to cure cancer. For most of us we're trying to make something that distracts you from the cancer you have.
I digress.
The first draft is done, and now...looking it over to plug in bits and pieces to make it...a movie. I am proud to finish a feature script. It isn't easy and I have three now. pretty wild considering I went to film school as a writer/director. Most of my classmates have none. That's startling considering they cared about it more.

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