Saturday, February 24, 2018

Ignoring Crazy People

To be fair to F.B.I. they probably get tens of thousands of false alarm nutjobs. So as one fell through the crack you realize it's not like a job you can fall asleep at the wheel. I'm sure for ever dude who shoots up a school there must be dozens of calls that say there's a guy they know who could potentially hurt people. I know a guy at work now who I think is very dangerous. But probably more to himself. About this time and after the fact, is when I say "I knew it was gonna be him." I'm sure people think that of me. But I hate gun and I hate cars and I hate the effort it most likely takes to carry out this. In short, I'm too lazy to do anything about my disgust for most people. BUT, I have an outlet here where I can vent. Sort of. I'm very thankful these days people would rather visit a dentist than read.

We do ignore crazy a LOT. The hotter a woman is, the more we overlook. Sad...I know. Somehow being publicly shamed by a stunning woman is the tribe judging you. And that she most likely pins your nuts on a cork board until she's bored and needs someone to embarrass. Hot women who are single are absolutely broken toys. Yet, we ignore them. Or look at them long enough to realize you could have fun, but it is a LOT of effort involved. When you get older you see past it. Thank God.
A lot of dudes are netted in there and don't escape. That is a lifetime of scars.

So I get why the Feds dropped the ball on this. If we had to chase every nut, we'd be foraging forever.

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