Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

How depressing is it for women at 40 to be without a squeeze during this time of love?
It's a no wonder many women have created Gal-entine's Day and the ones with guys have supported this. The sisterhood is strong then.
Me? Yeah, it's a bit melancholy for me, since a former love has a birthday close to this day. So it was always a two-fer. But I feel bad for women who feel bad for themselves. You get the sense their joking around is really concealing deep lonely pain.
It's funny how we do think women have it the worse. As if the new society doesn't make it where strong independent women can't celebrate not getting dick. But they bought a house and a car and has a cat and a--
you get my point. Personal relationships obviously shouldn't define you, BUT I realize it weighs heavy on people who don't have anyone to suck face with on such a day when people brag about who they have. It doesn't bother me, since the reality is probably a dull sexless marriage. As most are.

Well, if you got that special someone don't let them go. Especially if you're holding onto them over a cliff. You're liable to be held responsible for their death had you not taken that enormous insurance policy out on them. And Happy Valentine's Day!

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