Thursday, February 22, 2018

Stupid Fucking Gun Nuts

I really don't care about the kids who were killed by another dummy with a gun.
The point is, no one does. All people want is to push their agenda. The likelihood of you being murdered by a gun is pretty slim. With the exception of mass shootings, typically you're killed by someone you know. Doesn't alleviate your paranoia BUT at least we can quit with the bullshit that kids are getting more and more rambunctious with them.
Here's the deal and parents aren't going to want to hear this...stop being your stupid fucking kid's friend. You are a parent and a bad guy. Start acting like it. I have that issue with my own sister. She was her son's friend since the father of her children are colossal losers. But that's mostly choice. Sorry, never got your shit together. The small victory is that he left high school without murdering anyone. Yes, the bar is set this low. He's getting his shit back together. I'm sure as hormones die (such as my own)...the more responsible one gets.
Also, start blaming your own stupidity for fucking up your kid. This idiot in Florida was bounced around. Never mind his mom died, his Dad died, and I'm sure a goldfish here and there. Well, did anyone stopped to ask him if he was doing okay? Didn't sound like it. It sounded like "oh cool, he found an interest in guns, that ought to keep him occupied." He certainly got our attention now.
Stop with the outrage about your stupid fucking kid. When we stopped backhanding these assholes, that's when shit started. Animals rear their children without the pile on of social media. The thought of getting a flip flop to the backside made you think twice about throwing a bottle at people. Without boundaries...we get this nut shooting up schools.

Public also need to cut the cops some slack. Local police are so frozen with public outrage that they ignore some serious signs that these things happen. The problem with Black Lives Matter or any movement directed at cops is that...they ignore everyone. Problem solved. In their minds, it's not worth getting involved until it's serious. That's a problem.
Don't be your kid's friend.. Discipline folks.

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