Wednesday, February 21, 2018

High School March Against Gun Violence

Marching doesn't do shit but irritate people who have work.
Why not march against White dudes between the age of 18-44?

And by the way, no shit on the shootings. No one except nut cases think guns are safe for anyone. That is not to say there aren't people who believe guns save people from other gun nuts. We get it.
When we start listening to high school kids, that's a problem. They don't know shit from a hole in the ground. No matter how many fucking stupid fables you tell of the little girl who suggested deflating the tires so the truck that was stuck under an overpass could slide by. That's horseshit.
All crazy people with a gun do is find other ways to get around the system. The idea is get humanity to poke their heads out and say to themselves that a gun isn't necessary, despite thinking their neighbor may have one and want to injure you. The truth's not true. The crazy guy who was standing at the gas station at 5AM this morning just staring at me and rapping to himself doesn't have a gun. A knife maybe. But if you're shoeless and rapping to the sky, I'm pretty sure I had the upper hand.

Living in fear is no way to live. I get we need common sense but..the awareness isn't towards gun owners. They're zealots, we know this. The onus is on us as humans to have faith the people next to us don't want to harm us.
Yeah, it's kumbaya shit, but, for the love of God, also knowing people love and see you...that is the ultimate in insuring a kid with a head of steam isn't going to hurt others.

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