Sunday, February 18, 2018


You can be the staunchest feminist, but one thing that NEVER EVER EVER EVER has changed is women's own internal value of themselves as a visual medium. In truth, I've never met a woman who wouldn't love or hasn't had sexy photos taken of themselves. Somehow, deep in their biology women understand that being youthful and pretty allows you nicer things. Now once in a relationship, I'm not sure. But that scene in "Titanic" where the old broad looks at her naked self. Guess what? That's instinctive. Femnism or not, women like knowing they were young and bangable back in the day.
Especially now. I'm on a dating site which...I'm positive they are posting sexy photos of themselves simply to see how many attractions they get. A tiny margin are actually there for dating. Women do a LOT to stay sexy. Or portray themselves like that. None show themselves at a library or doing medical experiments. What kinda loser would that attract? Instead, a TON of ass shots or cleavage shots or bikini pics. A ton are fake profiles but...some chick took that photo.

So as liberated as women think they are. Theyre not. They're bound by their genetics to which they blame men for their own insecurities. Again, this push for women's rights is really laughable when their worse enemies...well..they're taking ass and shaved pussy shots. Why not go harass them for a while.

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