Sunday, January 29, 2017

We Have Been Had...

...and I'll be the first to report it.
On the world stage what we are about to experience is how little we know about civics.

The bill that held Muslims from different countries back...yeah the one which most people are going batshit was a hoax. told us Trump signed the bill...Obama did. In the ultimate reality show spin, protestors have been...well...they've been had. Horn swoggled. Bamboozled.

And a few sitcom lessons to be learned here. We don't know shit. And adults will fuck with you. So there you have it. The list to which everyone is wondering why Trump's relationships weren't effected by were compiled by Obama's administration. And why didn't Obama tweet or talk to media about it. Maybe he thought we needed this lesson too.

Hang your head in shame you angry mob. You were out to make a devil out of someone actually doing their job. Frothing at the mouth to impeach. Instead, you overshot the guy and got kicked in the back on your way to your knees.

This proved a few things actually...Obama isn't a Muslim. And some of your kind hearted friends are desperate to do good.

I hate to say "I told you so"...but even the dog's ass gets sun every once in a while.

Speaking of which...I was wondering why The Orange One was traipsing through protestors like he was on vacation. He knew they were fools protesting their own cause. Wow...diabolical, evil and somewhat brilliant. We were the participants in a wild show. Once the fires die down.

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