Friday, January 13, 2017

Grabbing Snatch

If you want to know why women are going to rule this world, it's because they can twist and extract words to their benefit.

The Orange One above all should understand this. He is a massive clown and sickens me that I have to explain this to people. He never told women you can grab women by the pussy. He said if you are a celebrity, you can do things like that and get away with it. What is the distinction? YOU aren't a celebrity. Most likely never will be. No one think that's correct except retards. So you believe American male are retarded. Thanks. Oh wait, I twisted your words. Incidentally, The Don isn't wrong. Bill Clinton grabbed lots of snatch. That asswipe got a blowjob in the Oval Office. Fuck, I wish I was famous. We're Americans upset he got blown on taxpayer dime. I wish I was blown on someone else's dime. But I understand...he's famous...I'm not. Suppose it's up to you to decide the details. You most likely believe men don't have the common sense to ignore silliness like that. Low opinion of us guys. That's insulting.

Stop making me protect free speech on behalf of Big Orange. Makes my stomach hurt, to defend these inaccuracies. So why do it? Lying to get your way is worse. And both sides happily do it.

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