Friday, January 13, 2017

The Hopeless Romantic

Believe it or not, I think the Republicans and America are more hopeless romantics than we like to admit. The liberals seem so angry and self-righteous. A far cry from the ones I knew growing up who were much more kinder. I suppose you could say the puppies were sick of being kicked around. Or you hated your parents and wanted to be different. Who knows...

Here's a theory about why they chose Trump again. It had nothing to do with him other than...he was a true outsider. The guy is clueless about tact and pomp. He knows hownl to give speeches to rally people. Though, not articulate as Obama who grew up giving speeches. Or Hillary.

What I'm shocked the inability for some people to see...the politicians are the ones fucking us. Left or right. Trump was the first to ever crack the glass of the Beltway and be really...of the people. Sure, he lacks class, but he has conviction. The worse that we can hope for is that he learns the political ways. THAT would make him dangerous. So people who desperately want him to be presidential...exactly what does that mean. Play golf and vacation and pop your head out every once in a while to lambast police?

He may not have the sweet kind Kevin Kline of "Dave" but...he certainly may have perspective.

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