Friday, January 20, 2017

Protestors Rights

Hey... I can dig it. You're pissed..and you have every right to be. But they'll probably calculate the massive lost in man hours lost to this and it won't be worth it.

Conviction is a great thing. But you know it stills moves forward. Unless some really mentally ill Leftist sets themselves on fire. Proving the point how overly sensitive liberals can be.

I don't recall this much resistance to any presidency. guess, we're bored and don't have real problems. What??????! The presidency at stake isn't real problem? No didn't work before or during the election. So this is the last resort. dummies, the last resort is helping your fellow man (which really should be your first resort) this women's march through the inauguration soldifies why I fucking hate the women's movement. Imagjne if this energy could be used to build housing.

What a waste of time.

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