Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Silence" (2016)

People are always getting me to admit how much more convenient and cheaper shooting movies on digital are. Fuck them. Nope...wait...fuck me. Yep...apostatizing is renouncing your faith in order to admit one works better than the other. So why can't both exist, because I'm just as stubborn as someone who moves on with life and shoots digital. Where does that leave us? Well, popular society decides I'm wrong...or they just don't care and it was all for nothing. But conviction continues in...yep...silence.

Faith is amazing. Your belief that religion would have a return moves countries and cause others to do unspeakable evil. In this case it's two priests who go in search of one that has disappeared into the bowels of Japan. See, Japan use to have a Christian Catholic population, until Buddhism took hold. Which Christianity was outlawed. Enter missionaries who spread the gospel.

It'a not that I don't believe religion means well, but Hell if it doesn't cause suffering. What is left is very arrogant Westerners inflicting their beliefs onto people who truly could live without. In other words, missionaries are annoying as fuck.

Where does that leave us?'s up to you. Religious folk will side with the priest...Christian religions anyway. The atheists and everyone else will see the pushiness of the religion. I see it as your conviction on life. Where do your beliefs lie and what are you willing to sacrifice to get it.

People will suffer in pursuit of their dreams. What does it get you in the end...assuming you were promised something? For most disappointment...but...if you can live with some part of you still intact, you can maintain life with your convictions intact. Much like making movies in Hollywood, the old always have convictions the young strip away. Never mind the young become old and the cycle continues.
At the core of  "Silence" our faith is tested. A worthwhile journey for those who must endure.

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