Monday, January 2, 2017

"Rogue One"

There is literally a moment when a character says the titular line. If that falls into your kitschy wheelhouse, this movie will knock you up and down and sideways.

Otherwise..who gives a flying fuck. It is a movie that is crammed prior to the answer questions about where the plans of the Death Star came from. Did it matter? That's your call. I think it's silly but a fascinating exercise in fanboy movie making. Which, by all records so far...make better movies than Georgie Lucas himself.

Let's see if this movie covers all the lore. Orphan...calling...reluctance to adventure, hero gets a mentor. Mentor sends on trip. And so forth. Did they read Jason And The Argonauts before this? Oh well,'s not a repeated watch type movie. Which is so sad. "Star Wars:Force Awakens" has a watchability. Because their key actors just seem so much more within the Star Wars world. These seem like second string pre-season football. It's really well made, but...somehow seem hollow. I can only's because we're in sitcom mode. There is a setup but they have to race to an inevitable ending. Much like in sitcoms, resolution comes at the end of the 2 hours spent.
I'm pretty sure Star Wars would survive not knowing any of this shit. It's more brutal than typical entries, and somewhat...melancholy. Worth a look on your downtime during a holiday wind down.

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