Thursday, June 16, 2016

"Prizzi's Honor" (1985)

It dawned on me the other day…Italians really like celebrating the mafia. They’ve made so many movies breaking down gangsters, it’s like it’s tied deep into their culture. Can you imagine any other culture that would make movies that took so much glee and “respect” for these thugs and hoodlums. Their “honor” code is a joke, but don’t tell them that.
Such is the life of Charley Partanna, a deep rooted Sicilian who’s not ONLY in the mob, his father is as well. On a chance meeting at a wedding to a self-proclaimed “Pollack” Irene Walker or is it Vanessa Jackson, he soon finds out what a dangerous woman she is. This enigma is played by a very svelte and sexy Kathleen Turner. In the mid-80’s she looks like she could fuck your dick off. Nowadays…you see her nekkid, your dick would likely just fall off. But, she is in prime shape. Which catches the eye of Charley. Well…too bad for him, since grandpa Prizzi’s granddaughter played by a vampy sinister Angelica Huston, learns secrets.
Charley marries Irene, despite the fact that he learns she’s a contract killer. If you believe that, then this movie is fun.
There were actual moments that I did find myself laughing. The stereotypes are in full force. And they’re dark. Killing someone because they got off the wrong floor in an elevator is good for a guffaw. Until…we learn who that person is. That’s the odd joy this movie takes. Charley KNOWS this woman is an awful person, but much like him, we’re seduced by her charm and wholesome look. Even though she is a ruthless and very efficient killer.
The gist of this movie is that you can’t trust even the one you love, and that despite what appears to be love…well, it’s dangerous if you lose your sense. Directed by John Huston and beautifully lensed by Andrez Bartkowiak, this is a fun movie. Just stick through the draggy first 6 minutes.

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