Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Car Was Stolen

You never know what you're losing until it's gone. And man, do I miss her.
The 1995 White Mercedes Benz is gone. Most likely by these two Russian couple who I saw looking at me from across the parking complex in my own driveway. Though I can't accused them to the police, I suspect highly it was them. Can I confront them? Probably not. What would they need with a car this old with this many miles. It's in parts, most likely. It sucks since I left a lot of paperwork in it. So I don't know if they could use any of it to steal my identity. What I do know....some stranger is operating my car and it really sucks. Especially cause the violation is that someone was watching me the whole time. The fact that someone thinks I'm THAT big of sucker.
They're not wrong.

So that's that. It sickens me, and makes me a little afraid to go home. But things could be worse. I could be crushed by my own car. The car had a ton of miles. But we went through a lot together. It hurts because it wasn't me who let the car go, it was pried away.

I guess that's life. People will come in and take these things. And you have to move on. As my great sister mentioned, don't be angry or bitter but decide what you need to do to move on. It's a car, not a life.


  1. This is crazy, dude. So sorry that happened.

    1. Thanks man. It's a bummer, but great memories!
