Monday, June 6, 2016

Charles Grodin on Hollywood

Here's what Charles Grodin says of Hollywood (on the making of classic "Midnight Run"):

" Hollywood in the end only cares about the money. They don't care if you're entertained and they don't care about making quality work that they can be proud of. I did a picture with Robert De Niro called "Midnight Run". It was a great picture, it was the most fun I've ever had making a picture, and it was, I think, the best work I've ever done. Certainly De Niro was great, and it was honor for me to work with him. But it didn't make a lot of money. Universal doesn't want to make another movie with me and Robert De Niro, no matter how good it might be. But, you know what they DO want to do? They want to make a another picture with me and a dog. Beethoven. That made money, so they want to do another one."

I LOVED seeing "Midnight Run" with an audience at the New Beverly Theater here in Los Angeles, and saw the reaction of people watching it. The timing was bad for this movie as it still holds up today. We're talking over 20 years later. Today, it is Oscar worthy and sad that it got lost in the shuffle. To the studios who gave these movies a chance, I understand you can't lose money over something that is good but not profitable. This is depressing when you consider what we're all trying to do. Make something good.

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