Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Los Angeles: Exit Strategy

I was talking to a guy at the gym today. Seen the dude around. We've chit-chatted. I talked to him about my car being stolen. To which he regaled me with tales of shit that's been stolen from him. Motorcycles and trucks. He's long done with Los Angeles. He's been through an ex-wife. He lives for his kids...one about to graduate college. He works really really hard. I can see he maybe was a frat guy decades ago. Now he just wants to go in peace. Guy lives in Acton, CA, but commutes only to the city to work as a driver for FedEx. He works hard. You can see it. Really responsible guy too. You can hear it.
We both agreed on this...
The state of California is in shambles. The state is just way too close to too many people who spend countless time making it worst. Politicians to local leaders, this town...and everyone seems to see it, has imploded. We're the idiots who've elected to stay this long. Well, he's on his way to Colorado as soon as his daughter is done with school.

What will be my exit strategy? I fucking hate this town so much and not because of just my whining and garbage that comes with being poor and working class or whatever, but because I can't comprehend the common sense that lacks in this town. You allow undocumented illegals in this town...why? So they can vote you into office. Then you hire your own people who don't do shit for the town. But cry racism if anyone realizes you're fleecing the city. Atop all that, criminals are actualy in charge of the police. Because they are too lazy to give a shit about you. It didn't start like that, but after years, the only thing that drives police now is not the love of enforcing law, but because it's the only job and idiot can get (in this town). I can't tell you how many times police have shrugged when asked a question...as if they don't give a shit, or they don't know the answer. They get paid anyway, and it takes a disaster to really get fired. Why try? In smaller cities, there is a pride of being a cop. The more we've taken control away from police, the less we care. That's a big city mentality. How much they can get from you with doing the least amount. God forbid they make an effort to find my car. Not to get real cynical but I also doubt they even put it into the system. You can be genial and polite. It gets you nowhere in Los Angeles. Being hard is what eventually torches EVERYONE in this town. And it really saddens me. closing on 20 years and it gets worst. This dude at the gym solidifies a lot about this town...it's not made for the morally upstanding people.

So I'm devising a way to leave this fucking town. I've got nothing biding me here. I've done enough, had enough done to me. I'll probably take a year, start selling off everything I own. Send out resumes to cities I want to live in. Los Angeles doesn't have that hope I'd once thought. It doesn't really bother me that I want to leave (bad sign). The animals in this town will/have already taken over. And no one cares (unless, of course, it happens to them). Obviously there is a sadness to come to this conclusion. It'd be great if the virus of criminals didn't get imported here, or are undocumented or whatever the fuck you want to call them. The point is, more people come in, more people exploit the ones here legally and the police can't control any of it. I pity the ones who still believe there is a line that can't crossed. They won't be there for you. Trust me.

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