Friday, June 10, 2016

Asian Dude Rant

I thought I could rant:
But this guy, who calls himself "The Love Life Of An Asian Male" seems to hate White people. Or at least point out the hypocrisy of a newly minted rapist who got away with rape, Brock Turner (which no one seems to mention Bill Cosby here, but whatever):

Dear Poor White People and White Women,
Brock Turner is your fault. All your fault. He is the tupperware of mystery meat you left in the fridge for 500 years. He's as American as apple pie, Sharknado 2, and the school-to-prison pipeline.
This story has BLOWN THE FUCK UP, marketing itself as a tale of "Rich vs Poor" when in reality, it's "Rich White Men" vs "Every Other White Person Foolish Enough To Think They're a Rich White Man."
From the moment this country was stolen, rich white men have convinced both women and poor whites that the problem was people of color.
Rape? Sexual Assault? Why blame Uncle Bobby from Tennessee for assaulting your sons and daughters during the Christmas party when you can invent invisible "Mexican rapists" to project your fears on?
Murder? Sure! Let's pretend like Black people are slippin' through the guest bedroom window to play "the knockout game," even though every episode on every season on every TV show on Investigation Discovery features violent white men.
The refusal to criminalize Brock Turner came as the result of poor whites and white women CONSTANTLY dismissing the crimes of RICH WHITE MEN. You've turned your cheek so far to the right you spun around 360 degrees and slapped the left side of your face.
You've convinced yourself that rich white men give 3/5ths of a shit about you because they hired you as their professional house slippers. But when the shit hits the fan, that white man needs to throw SOMETHING (besides his tantrum) and you know he ain't gonna throw away his privilege. It's all you, all under that bus.
You've been complicit in rich white men's crimes for so long that you forget that he could ever turn around and hit you back. You're surprised about Brock Turner but you ignored Daniel Holtzclaw? You forgot about rape culture in white fraternities? You nominated a misogynistic white man who ain't afraid to insult other white women?
HA! I'll take an order of #2 pork fried rice over "YOU PLAYED YOURSELF!"
Did you see how fast they dismissed the victim? Did you see the questions they asked her? Did you see Brock's most-likely-a-rapist-too father describe Brock's rape as, "20 minutes of action"?
When will non-rich-white-men realize that white supremacy is bad for EVERYONE?! When will you wake up and realize that you're just one rung above people of color on a rich white man's hit list?
It's a boy! His name is Brock Turner, and he's ALL YOURS.
You deal with him.

I don't agree with this guy, because it is a money issue. Cosby gets away with a TON of rape. Not because he's Black or White, because he's rich and famous.

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