Sunday, June 21, 2020

White Leftists

White Lefties are the Klan who got lost in the woods.
By now everyone knows that the Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.
It's part of their history, so it's no surprise when they want to eradicate all evidence to this information. Like statues or pop culture brands. A White Lefty has no idea the damage they are doing.

See, Malcolm X was the one who said it best... “The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s (sic) friend and benefactor.” He accused the liberals of using the black Americans as ‘political pawns’ in their political struggle against the conservatives."

Want to know why the Democrats want borders opened? It's so they can get the new votes for the lost ones from Blacks turning Conservatives when they figure they are on the Leftist plantation.

I've been around White Leftist who believe they are doing the right thing. And in their hearts I am certain they feel that way. But they have a massive blind spot. And that is, they also treat anyone not the same color as them as inferior. They chalk it up to a lack of intellect or being well educated. These are assumptions a White Leftists feels towards their brown or black counterpart. Their "privilege" as they put it is that they already have an advantage simply being born white. When a person of sun kissed sees this, they should question why THEY feel this way. That they are advantages. Most won't understand. Or are too angry with their political stances to even see this. Because they see "oppressive" behavior where there is none. What brother Malcolm was saying (even though he was a filthy Muslim) is that the White Lefty uses this as a way to first subjugate a person of color, draw lines to show where they stand as a virtuous podium and abandon them when the cause moves on. EVERY four years  you see this. The Black community is being used by the Left. And they are constantly going for it. Which is proving the Left correct. This is the superiority they speak of. A White Leftist believes that their support or fight for a cause will fill a gap in their own empty lives. And that the Black man will hoist them upon their shoulders as heroes. A Leftist dream doesn't stop there. It's for every an all (supposed) oppressed people. This is why they ignore the Asians.

Now you may wonder how you can't help oppressed people if they need help.
People who don't help themselves are incapable of help. This is FACT. Nature allows no species who can't no find ways to exist to die out. Happens with every species. Humans are the only ones who believe that you can drag (perceived) this society up and this will inspire. This is folly.

The modern Leftist believe they are doing good by handing out assistance. This does not come for free. Someone will pay for it. Regardless of where our resources stand. Most do not require much at all, yet we believe our lives to be so superior that you must surely want to live our existence. There is the arrogance of the Left that I couldn't stand. The modern Leftist freely offers your assistance while they live in the most bourgeois lifestyle. The two most outspoken Leftist I knew out here both bought houses in Los Angeles. If you know property prices in Southern California, you would see the dichotomy.

The Leftist is not working man's friend nor are they friends of the Black community. They are elitist who strong arm false concepts of oppression so they can oppress. They use any means to gain those goals. They will glad hand you until you are of no use. The modern Lefty are the most blind when it comes to race relations because they simply believe us to be helpless to their intellect. And that the minute you express a differing opinion, or one that doesn't follow their delusion, they are the quickest to shut out your thoughts (has happened to me on many occasions) because it would mean allowing new information to consider with their old ones.

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