Friday, June 12, 2020

Seattle's Nutty Compound

So a bunch of disenfranchised mooks in Seattle took over 6 city blocks and declared it their own and don't follow laws of America.
Hey dumbfucks...that's treason. United didn't notice the "United" part. Stupid fucking idiots. And their mayor is calling it "patriotic."
Democratic leaders are this weak, folks. They refuse to rear the child. Then you get these nuts.

Look I love treehouse rules as much as the next person, but when you occupy space without using the law, you are a criminal. Why we got our shit torn down when we built it on an abandoned property. There isn't property in the world that is abandoned. It's just owned by a bank.
Which, by the way...go fuck with them, if you really want to fuck with people. The "occupy" movement lost a ton of gas, but that doesn't mean you can't try again. I hate banks and bankers since they use your money to make them money. And then charge you to use your own money because it's protection. I'm serious. This is our logic.
Money isn't going to mean much in the future if that's the case. because you can't trade paper if people need goods.

The idea is cool, emancipate yourself from the tyranny of whomever you feel oppressed by. But in reality, we should just launch you asshats into space. Plenty to protest out there. Start with E.T.

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