Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Bravo To You

We forget things quickly now. But, the deep pain we keep.
This is because the media and press love to dig up old wounds when we just got done forgiving.
I didn't get the memo for Blackout Tuesday. Which is ironic, considering it was for Black Lives Matter but you want Blacks Out.
Okay, dumb joke.

But, I am a little disappointed that people are sheep like this. I didn't participate. Doesn't matter. Quite frankly, I don't follow trends. Not be some rebel (which is somewhat the point). It's because the group I like to roll with think for themselves. In support of my Black friends who feel oppressed, I talk to them about it. And we share stories. You know...something most of these people will never do. Hip interracial children, multicolored haired White folk and gothy kids love this shit and consider themselves edgy. Edgy is posting against the grain and seeing if you'd still be included in your "tribe." Those are leaders, not followers. These trends are teaching us to be followers and not having your own thoughts.

A friend and I were talking about the protest. As I was stuck when Hollywood Boulevard was flooded with people. I just wanted to get home and I could completely understand how someone who was fed up could attempt to plow through the mess. I heard anthems of "fuck the police!" (yes, 2020...some young Black teen was blasting N.W.A., a little nostalgic, to be honest). Though, as an adult I think that seeing kids around sent a terrible message. That they are the victims and being obnoxious is their plan. It was pissing a lot of people off. And, of course, police were there. I gave them friendly nods. Not because I'm a bootlicking sell out, but because they have to deal with these animals.
Society is mostly animals. And they can be led. And they can stampede. To the rest of the rational country, We're just trying to make it through a day without anger.

Those in midwest towns who don't have a large Black population and are supporting this movement from afar: Fuck you!

You know all you deal with is a couple who just want to be left alone. In the old days, a sketch would be about a "woke" couple in rural Ohio trying their hardest to get in good with the ONLY Black neighbor. And failing on a White scale. "In Living Color" would've killed it.

We need "In Living Color" It was honest.

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