Friday, June 19, 2020

Black Conservatives

I've been following a lot of Black conservatives on social media these days. Much less angrier than Asian conservatives. And less bigoted.
Black conservatives are very successful people as well. Not because they Uncle Tom'd their way into the the house from the field, but because they viewed the American Dream as something attainable REGARDLESS of your skin color. Asian conservatives are just borderline White supremacists. It's in our nature to claim superiority. Regardless of how silly we sound. Like now.

Any way, I followed the Hodge Twins for over a decade when they were making workout videos. Since I was just starting my own workout regime past 40 years, they had great tips. They're funnier than shit too:
...and everyone accuses them of being sell outs.

Like me, all we're preaching is "Don't let your fucking color of your skin or slant of your eye be the determining factor that people are out to get you" Stop fucking being a victim. I did it throughout my youth. It was everyone's fault but mine. That's what I sounded like. Today, the Left have it made it about guilt and shame. I had a very odd conversation about this with a White friend (female). Leftist. I told her, what these two have said...if you claim you have privilege, it means you already think you're better than me. Now, granted that ISN'T the intention, it's just guilt, but they NOT see this?
She steadfastly holds onto that belief that she is doing the right thing. And that I'm not White so I don't see the shame or guilt within them.

Boy, I hope not. Apologizing for something you aren't, have not, ever done. Ever. These are truly nice people who are just REALLY guilt ridden by past deeds of...neckbearded prospectors, I guess. That everything is oppressive. And by admitting this privilege you've somehow drawn light to it. Okay, makes you feel better. But it does DICK for the Black folk, other than to say you support them. Okay...which one? Which Black folk? The drunken Black child abuser? Or the meth addicted Black man? Or the three Black boys who murdered a young Black woman? That the lives that matter?
You have your priorities wrong and probably better off remaining silent. Because these patronizing memes are making you look MORE racist.
You have nothing to be guilty for, in this case. Be guilty for cheating on your spouse, or your taxes or being a shitty person to friends. Don't segregate an entire group and claim you have it better than them. Because that is textbook racism (not bigotry, since this is DEEP mental claims of superiority).
You are trying to change biology...people WILL see skin color and make their judgement based on THEIR experience. You can't change that.
And also...shouldn't you be into science?

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