Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hijacked The Left

The traditional Left use to be about free speech. The hippie culture was about do your thing and let you be you. Unless it's a you YOU don't agree with. Which is just as bad as someone who won't accept transgender people.
If you sit around long enough to think about it, that is what happens as you get sit around a think about it.

The "Boomers" as you see it, were these spoiled problem-less kids of war ravaged minded people who fought EVERYTHING. Including themselves. If and when they got the bong resin out of their brains, they became corporate shills. But still retain a little bit of that mentality. Which is always vote Left regardless of anything. A few stragglers seem to have thought for themselves and did their own thing. What is disappointing is that...we prided ourselves on being individual thinkers. Instead, it seems, they've grown to become group thinkers. They can't think for themselves. Witness the idiotic blackout Tuesday. In their minds, if you don't do it, you are "one of them." That is so fucking ugly. And worse, they don't see it that way. They consider themselves at war. Because life is so comfortable. By the way, this empowers idiots to riot and loot. It does. You just don't see it because you think you're throwing wisdom and education at people.

The issue is...they are privileged. Privileged people have zero clue what it means to suffer. Ever. Even mildly suffering. They say they can empathize, but not one person of color will ever believe a white person can ever live their lives. Nor would they ever want to. It's not only good to be white in America, it's the world. You can travel places and people are fascinated. Me? I travel to Spain, I'd get the occasional "Chino this and chino that." A white person blends in because they aren't...anything. A culture can't define them and thus it's "gringo" or whatever. It doesn't come from an offensive place anyway. That's how good American PR is. They convinced the world white is right. Or rather, England did as they owned 90% of the world at one point. Why we mostly speak English even in remote areas. So bizarre how everywhere you go, English is the universal code to communicate. Seems it should show us how stupid we are.

So, I'm disappointed in the Lefties out there who are sharing their disgust for the events that occurred and HEAVILY lecturing the rest of us lessons about society's ills. Look, the ones who care will take heed or already know. The ones who don't, they will never and resent you for doing so.

But, you keep doing you. Though stop beating that drum that you're open minded to others. Or that silence perpetuates poor culture. That's a fucking lie. Silence, as a friend once told me, is that others have said what needed to be said and nothing new to add. It's also golden.

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