Sunday, June 28, 2020

Candace Owens vs. The Lefties

I know a few of you are already rolling your eyes "why you gotta bring up that Uncle Tom?"
Candace is funny to the Left because she is a Black woman who is also a Conservative. She votes Republican and has heated debates with the Black community over the Left selling them out. Too bad it's true. Because once the Left get the illegal immigrant vote, your Black asses will be abandoned. Happens EVERY four years.

But, here's the thing the Left NEVER gets...she doesn't care if you vote Republican. She's never said that. She's only debated that Democrats are evil. Which they are. The incensed deranged unhinged Left ALWAYS thinks if you aren't a part of them you are against them. I am, because the Left are fucking whiny dickheads with no solutions. I found this out growing up wanting to be them. They have no clue what they want because they see people in categories and want to change that. Human nature cannot be changed. There are exceptions but this is not the norm. As they so proudly present the fact that every example anyone who isn't a Lefty presents is "andecdotal." Ahem, idiot...that makes more sense to YOUR immediate world view then painting everyone with a broad brush. Man, Lefties are driven by their emotional stupidity. Which is why a lot are entertainers. They "empathize" and "sympathize" with people because they have to extract them for emotions. Funny shit, right. Entertainers want to be loved. Communally. Orgies are meant for these types. But they are the ones putting their own necks through a noose, because they are playing a role.

Think about this, has any high level star come out to scream to "de-fund the police?" Want to know why? Because they know it keeps animals like us out.
Candace the one of the first I saw point this out...police presence ONLY effects inner city directly. What the fuck is a crackhead robber going to do? Take a bus to the suburbs for home break ins? The idea is incredibly dumb. And some of my kind hearted, yet naive, fellow filmmakers think this is the solution.
Candace also believe that the Black community MUST take responsibility and accountability for poor behavior towards law and against each other.
IF there are no laws, there is no order. We already live on a tacit agreement that IF I steal your t.v., I am a thief. That's been thrown out the window with rioters and looters who steal uninhibited. The fuck head Democrats like Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti practically urge looters to run amok. Think about how evil his mind is. They loot and destroy, no business come into that district, housing goes down, gentrification. He is your problem you Leftist idiots. Also, then he swoops in to offer bail outs...and becomes your benevolent hero. EVERY single Democrat run city thinks you are morons. And they're right.

As a former Lefty, watching this unfold it's despicable. And former Lefties like Candace points this out. Again, NO ONE is telling you to vote Trump or Republican or whatever. But look into your own house and decide if they have your best interest, or the community's interest at heart. I don't think they do.

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