Sunday, June 7, 2020

My Big Black Friend Leon

No, it's not a euphemism for a dildo.
I actually have a big Black friend named Leon. The guy cracks me up as we both talk about what was going on in the world.
He told me as a big Black man, he has now taken to wear his Marine fatigues because he doesn't want to frighten the nice White folk. With his military duds, he is seen as a hero on both sides. He cracks me up.

Any way, we laugh about a lot that's been going on and I expressed how upset I was that we are no longer able to laugh about things. He understood. Everyone is so serious now. But it wasn't like it wasn't predicted.
Okay, so I'm ignorant.

Leon is a good dude to talk to to just crack wise. He doesn't care if the jokes are bigoted or not. And, for you social justice woke asshats, no he REALLY doesn't care. Because he comes from the same place I do...comedy and laughs come from a obvious place. Our relations with one another and laughing about our differences. Without these, comedians are fucked beyond all recognition. For FUBAR for short. Because these inherent differences in all of us, we can laugh. We can tell these jokes (and trust me, most are at my expense) and just know we're both good people. You can't even fucking joke anymore. And yes, I do blame the Left. Because comics thrived under YOU. The Right had a reputation of being starched shirt assholes. So, no surprise there. But you fucks are suppose to be the fun loving criminals. You are the real fascists.

But this isn't only about telling jokes. It's about unity. Leon and I have had some disagreements. He is a grunt and can deal with stress. Though I wonder about any PTSD. But we don't talk about race. We talk about movies. Or rather, making movies. We talk about his return to school. How is the family? Got a dog? Yes, it's somewhat boring. But race never comes into it.
I put the "big Black Friend" in the title, because it is what society has come to. Labels. Lefties fall over themselves proving how progressive they are by...patronizing the Black community. And the Right put knees on Black people's necks.
Just kidding.
No, they are on the defensive now, and some pretend they aren't privileged.

Hey assholes, EVERYONE IN AMERICA IS PRIVILEGED! You either believe that or you believe we are being sussed by media (which I know we have). Now we're arguing about the degree of which we are privileged. Which is hilarious when the "progressive" Left are the ones to lecture us on being grateful. I AM grateful. You can't pound guilt into what I've been able to exist as. Yes, it's taken me over 40 years to learn how grateful I am. For everything. Not just what my folks have given me, or this country. Americans are so entitled now, they take every bit of the Constitution and dig deep for a slight. My eldest sister is like this. And it is irritating. The world is dead to her because she believes the world is against her. That anyone who does the tiny-ist thing to set her off, is her enemy. I tell her just do what I do "insult and scream at them and let it go." I hope she took that as a joke.
But you can't tell.
Because we've become a nation of old ladies  (yes, labels).
Scared and ungrateful and looking into other peoples' backyard to complain. Old ladies love to talk about how they can improve you. Even if you live a better life than them (regardless of what you consider a 'better life' is, it's never their idea of it). They are miserable old angry and bored. Because no one looks at an old lady. Because they're irrational. A hot curvy young one, we listen to.
But no one wants to admit any of this.
I saw today, Amazon has a "Black Lives Matter" banner in support of the movement. I took a step back, because it's weird to see corporate step up. I don't believe in the cause, but that took some balls. As I'm sure some old lady is going to complain. And I mean "old lady" to mean young people who love to complain as well.

Old Southern ladies are probably the worst of the bunch. Maybe, old Southern ladies and Northern Jewish ladies are probably the least tolerable people to be around. Nothing is ever good enough. And "bless your heart"

Any way, the minute I can make my headline say "My friend Leon" instead of adding all the unnecessary descriptives, is when we truly have equality (we are equal, cause he's big fuck with big guns and he can squash me like a punk grape, but I can out eat him at the buffet).
To me, we are in a class war, not a race war.

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