Monday, May 11, 2015

Scientology Isn't Any Crazier

Why are people pissed about Scientology? There's a new documentary that exposes what it is. So fucking what?

What if we were to make a documentary about all the evils of say...Catholic Church? Is it any crazier than spaceships and martians? Do you know how much money that "church" takes in? Vatican City is it's own city BECAUSE of Catholic money. Talk about indoctrinating the dumb and hopeless. Also, a dead guy comes back in March after being crucified? (which also happens to be a plot point in "Conan The Barbarian"). This is cool with everyone?

Also, what about those fucking extreme Muslims who get bent out of shape over cartoons of Muhammed. Shit, I'd be more upset you name all your kids that name and they're a bunch of fuck ups. Grow the fuck up about that. It's just a drawing. I remember looking at some Hustler magazines back in my teens that had Santa assfucking an elf. Look if extreme Muslims want to draw a picture of Jesus getting a cross up his ass, doubt any Christian would be upset enough to kill a Muslim. Some would...but wouldn't do it. Most would laugh.

To put a spotlight on the insanity of Scientology, should also raise many questions about religion in general. The cause of, and solution to all our problems (to paraphrase the feelings of booze via "The Simpsons." I think if you're a zealot in any ritualistic bullshit cult/religion...I hope in the "other life" you are constantly reminded how wrong you were in this one. In terms of oppressing or judging someone else's beliefs. I really don't care one way or another your convictions. The fact that some people are adamant about their belief stuns me sometimes. I have a friend who is born again. She irritates me with that talk. To me, it's just veiling deep dark pain. Facing life's disappointments...if I may the secret to overcoming the bullshit in your life.

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