Monday, January 19, 2015

Mel Gibson Should Make More Movies

Mel Gibson is nuts. This is not to say he doesn’t make incredible movies. He’s one of the few who suffered through the 80’s into the 2000’s with a pretty great filmmaking track record. He tells fantastic stories. His anti-semitism is his personal business. Do we judge him based on that? Do we stay away from his movies because of his beliefs? I’m not sure. We have so much forgiveness in our world, it boggles my mind that we blackballed him. Of all people.

We’re all terrible people with terrible thoughts. For someone who writes and directs movies, ideas come in some abstract mental capacity. People like this live in stream of consciousness. There is very little filter. I feel if Mel could trade his mind for anyone else’s, he’d probably trade it. These thoughts come when they come. For a movie star, having a microscope at your backyard translates to a lot of misunderstandings. And judgment. I feel a lot of us, under the same condition would fold. We’d go ape shit crazy thinking what we can say and what we can’t. I doubt a lot of these stars know the basics in life. Basics to us being able to express ourselves. I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing Mel get back into directing. He works hard. Dedicated his life to telling stories. And we kill him over his personal issues. If I were to lose my career and lifelong sacrifices to a moment of insanity, I’d feel that the world is messed up. We forgive a lot of things. Shit, we recently forgiven Joe Paterno, long-term coach of Penn State who was linked to a terrible incident regarding child molestation. Well, some haven’t and some have, but he still gets his history back (as the NCAA reinstates his wins).  Did it make him a lesser coach. No. Does it make his legacy tarnished. Sure. But the public will speak. And for now, it seems the public would rather Mel be strung up, tarred and feathered. I think it’s unfair, considering the terrible actions people do and he was burned for just having thoughts.

I don’t know Mel Gibson. Saw him once outside on a veranda one time smoking while in a sound mixing session. By all accounts he’s a wild man. He expresses himself violently. Watching him speak you can see he holds rooms and legions. Waving his cigarette hand wildly (from what I saw). No different than what, say…Spike Lee does.

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