Friday, June 8, 2018

The Saga Of Anthony Bourdain Continues

There are a TON of people pouring their hearts out about the loss of Anthony Bourdain. I've never seen any of his shows. I've heard one podcast with him and he seemed interesting.
But what irks me about the whole thing is the public outcry of a guy who just traveled...and ate. Shit, kids do that on YouTube.

From what people described of his show, and there are very little details given from their mouths, he went into the local town's home and had a meal with them. Fuck, Charles Kuralt did that every Sunday morning.

I guess the suicide thing is the heavier weight. Which...I dunno. The guy went through his life on his own terms, why not end it on his own terms. People ask "why?" over and over again. The people closest to him ask those questions. The weren't as close to him as you thought. What's really funny is reading a post that some random stranger wrote that said "I was surprise he didn't do it sooner." Ohhh strangers may know your shit better than you.
From the first appearance of the guy, he seemed heart sick. Having never watched his show but seen him in snippets, he I know you readers wouldn't believe me now, but the minute he confessed to being a junkie, none of that surprised me. His death was sudden and it hit me because he seemed so important...but strange that when I read it was a suicide and NOT a homicide or heart honestly didn't surprise me.

I wonder if any of you guys know people like that. The walking dead really. Not completely ever still. Even when not moving. I know many people like that. I know a lot of people who pretend to be fine with their lives but are a hot mess. Plenty actually. But I can't drag any of them up the hill on any level. I suppose that's why a lot of suicides happen. When people start to remove themselves from the thing that made them have hope. Bourdain...I dunno. There's more to the story here somewhere. Such as him dating a 42 year old Asia Argento who was the tip of the spear of naming names in the sexual assault actress movements. I recall seeing some of Bourdain's tweets on Asia's and Rose McGowan's pages viciously attacking the assaulter. I laughed, because I always considered him on par with Bob Ross. Not some crusader. A PBS sideshow. Then he got all those tattoos. At 61 he looked fucking silly. An old never-been biker look is lame. I better stop shitting on the dead.

Well, he took himself out of the equation, what it was that was bothering him. This permanent solution to a temporary problem. You almost want to believe it wasn't his own undoing. If you can't face this world, at least lash out at it. It's more fun.

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