Sunday, June 3, 2018

Left Or Right We're Separating More

I'm not sure why anyone hasn't been bringing this up. Maybe it's an observation meant for people who don't share extreme thoughts. More and more the Left resembles the conservatives and the Right resemble the liberals.

Perhaps it's a mentality of subjugation. Under President Obama it seemed the pendulum swung wildly to the minorities of the country. He was attempting to right a past wrong. By doing so, we seemed to have forgotten that we are middle ground country and that people aren't racist. He essentially called non-racist people racist through his actions. And it is heartening to know that this insult in this country is met with a cringeworthy response. In other words, being called a racist is the worse thing you can call someone. Unless you're a person of a different color. To me, being called a bigot or racist, I laugh. Much like the Mexicans here in Los Angeles. They don't believe they are bigoted. Neither do Blacks. But they are. They haven't addressed the specifics, but paint Whites with a broad brush. The Irish are SUPER bigoted, but the Germans are mildly. That is as detailed as you can make it. Instead, Obama decided Black was right no matter what. His idea of compassion and understanding was to invite a kid who claimed he was a victim of profiling because he made a suitcase bomb...and he did, to the White House. How dumb was that? The Left consistently want to be on the right side of history so they continue to preach "tolerance" by being intolerant. If I were to turn back time, I'd ignore that shit. Obama wanted to be liked. That's obvious. He also wanted to work out the demons of his past by the lack of a father. This example empowered many women to think they didn't need a man to raise a child and that child became President. In reality, Prez should've told Americans, he was the exception NOT the rule.

The country is divided, but I don't think in the way we think. The middle is really the majority. The rest go extreme. And that's the place that makes news. Most of America can fluctuate between both sides. And are fine with it. The ones who despise the President whomever it is, will do that when the next guy  (or gal) comes in. In these days, it's near impossible to imagine Hillary Clinton taking the world on. I laugh every time the Democrats thought she was the answer. She is a pitbull but GODDAMN is she unlikeable. Trump is a phony but he can convince people of things. Stupid things like global warming isn't a thing. I think the guy is spending his term un-doing Obama's legacy. And that's pretty damn vindictive.
The weird part, most of us think back at our youth and want to be there again. In some ways. But time marches on. The new generation will have their own "remember the time..."

At the very least, whichever side you are on, admit that we can learn to listen.

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