Monday, June 11, 2018

Robert DeNiro at the Tonys

Actor Robert DeNiro to Prez Donald Trump "Fuck Trump!"
This is a guy whose paycheck for decades came from Harvey Weinstein.
Totally his right to say so, but there hasn't been a single person on the Right that has ever said in a public forum "Fuck Obama!" Can you imagine the rioting that would occur.
I'm here to do it "Fuck Obama!" Not sure what he did to incur this statement from me, other than, maybe it would make me popular with some people.

The thing about DeNiro, he doesn't understand, he is rich, talented but he is dumb as rocks. Celeb actors seem to believe they have the inside scoop on everything. Because they...can pretend? To this day Clint Eastwood makes movies not about things he's interested in NOT things he knows a lot about. So does Michael Mann. Suppose DeNiro got to a point in life where he expresses himself without a script. And even then.

What DeNiro doesn't realize is that he exposed a few things. The vindictive anger of the Left. And has solidified a certain Trump re-election. Because he's angered the Right. He doesn't care. Maybe that's his plan. That entire full of people who still live in high school. Tonys are voted by themselves. A popularity contest based on what would piss off the Right more. "Hamilton"...really? What if someone put on a play like a White Shaft musical? Never would make it to stage. But if Broadway wants to stick it to the Left, that's what it would do. I could probably sell them on a Black Dirty Harry.

Anyway, DeNiro is fucking stupid. Love his movies, but he's making a stronger case to vote for Trump, if not to fuck with the Liberal Elite. God, I hate the Liberal Elite. They vacuum up a LOT of innocent bystanders who just want to work. They take all the roles that probably should go to a talented up and comer. How is this NOT pissing off the community in whole. Despite his hatred for Trump, his actions and the actions of people who keep others at an arms distance is precisely the definition of "elite." Maybe the minions below are too stupid to understand. Or too afraid of the characters DeNiro plays. The simple truth is, DeNiro isn't a tough gangster. He's a pussy (yet talented) actor. "Midnight Run" remains one of my favorite movies of all time. But, leave politics to politicians. Or run. I hope he goes into office. I'd vote for him. Because that would show he had balls to do something.

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