Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Separating Parents From Kids

I read about a 17 year old who was separated at the border during the zero tolerance act to enforce illegal migration.

A few things...these are people who haven't gone through the proper channels. Essentially, they are trained to dodge the border and then when asked, proclaim amnesty. The adults are then vetted and if found that the child isn't a relative...they are detained and separated. The numbers, according to the Department of Homeland Security, is that the numbers went up 314% of these occurrences. The common sense is that parents are allowing complete adult strangers to smuggle their children across the border and then later the parent would use this as leverage to allow them passage.

Does this infuriate you? This administration now is taking the brunt of a flood of illegal immigration because of something signed by George W. Bush, and emphatically hailed by Obama but never enforced. Donald Trump is the only president to ever enforce this.
Now he's getting shit, because it's focusing on children crying in detention centers. What do you expect the DHS to do? Return them to the WRONG adult? The story the media paints is that these are children being ripped from parents. Wrong. They were already separated. They are flooding in and the U.S. is desperate to sift through the humanity. Despite the fact that there is no help from Mexico who inexplicably does not seem to take on this burden. Odd.

Back to the 17 year old.
When I was 17, I couldn't wait to leave home. Though I had two great parents, it was the adventure calling. What the fuck is this dude crying about?! Grow the fuck up. They're letting in immigrant Millenials. THAT should make you shudder alone.

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