Saturday, June 16, 2018

High School Kids Are Naive

I was thinking about all these valedictorians who've been giving political speeches lately. I find them incredibly corny and...well, it's really the arrogance of youth.
They honestly believe they will change the world. Truth? They won't. In today's heavy media world, there is always opposing facts that negate your own beliefs. Or teachings. Many high school students only know what institutional learning provides. Sure we want to protect our children from gun violence, but also, it's not because of drawing awareness to it. We're constantly doing that and nothing is happening. This is the "nag approach" which doesn't work with old rich white guys who love guns. Nor does it work with poor Black/Brown guys who love guns.

If I were to come up with a solution there are three things I'd focus on...
de-criminalize recreational drugs
mental health
heavily taxing pharmaceutical companies

Thus far, what we've seen that DOESN'T work is prescription drugs. The problem is that we still consider medicine a noble cause. It's not. They are as focused on the bottom line. And if that means killing Americans with opioids, then it means more money to combat. The "epidemic" does fall on the citizen to refuse painkillers. I have for a neck injury that hasn't healed, and it SUCKS. People are legally doped up to get doped up. And...damned if the cure isn't worse than the drug itself. Fetanyl is legal and prescribed and has killed more celebrities thus far than anything else.
Where are the valedictorians who shit on pharmaceutical companies?

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