Sunday, June 17, 2018

Seth MacFarlane Is A Boozy Stooge

In response to Tucker Carlson's Tweet:
“If you’re looking to understand what’s actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they’re telling you on the big news stations,” Carlson said.

Seth MacFarlane's response:
“In other words, don’t think critically, don’t consult multiple news sources, and in general, don’t use your brain. Just blindly obey Fox News,” MacFarlane said. “This is fringe shit, and it’s business like this that makes me embarrassed to work for this company.”

Let's be square here Sethy-poo, who fucking cares. I don't watch Fox News but your constant dig at Faux News is transparent as fuck. You useless singing monkey. And you're taking Fox money so leave. They hadn't stopped you from doing the nonsense you've done with "Family Guy" which lost its luster years ago for me. You're not funny, you're a drunk and we're suppose to take anything you Tweet seriously?
By all accounts, this sense of fairness must REALLY be eating at you. Simply because you drew some oblong obnoxious "The Simpson" rip-off, and live completely in their shadow must give that small complex. Sorry, pal...the coat tails of either that or "South Park" is biting. As is being truly the Andrew Dice Clay of animation. Please branch out again in more features, as I'm sure your notorious control freak nature must have people coming out of the woodwork to voice for you.

That said, what difference does it make your stance. The stupid part of your brain is shooting itself in the foot to cure a ingrown nail. Truly this statement has fizzled out. Or will. Meanwhile, why not attack Kathy Griffin and her (clearly) derailed brain. Where she continues to add "fuck this" and "fuck that" person like some Broadway barker to attack family members of the President that doesn't control policy. Or, you know...bend laws. If that were to happen, next you'd attack them FOR bending laws. What got Hillary busted. Repeatedly. Obama is on record being just as disingenuous. But they don't Tweet "Fuck Obama and Michelle, those witless self-serving losers" Why? Because the Left thrive in the emotion. Like myself. Though I've distanced myself as far away from them as possible. Because they are nuts. I don't need any more nuttiness.
Who cares what Tucker Carlson said. The statement itself without a response seems to add to the ridiculousness of where to get news. Apparently "real news" depends on Tweets now. Which is where I saw this beef. Twitter is not news. But here we are.

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