Saturday, June 30, 2018

Separating Families?

Am I the only one who finds it funny that we have the highest divorce rate and we march about keeping families together?
Man, fuck you people. Good you have time to kill. I'd rather watch...Pornhub. What bugs me more than anything...reading the signs...about abolishing ICE. You know the people who just put away millions of doses of fetanyl. The same shit that killed Prince. You know that effeminate performer you Leftist love so much. Ugh. How dumb are the Democrats?
They really have no clue what they want. They just know they hate Trump and his followers. Because he cracked a code. He was able to act like a total jackass, not be a career politician and STILL win the White House. It really slaps lifers in the face. Makes sense why some Republicans don't like him either.
Now they want to get rid of ICE. This is the worst idea the Left ever had. Or maybe, they're counting the numbers. Yes folks, Hispanics are becoming the largest groups in America. And getting rid of ICE means more illegal votes. But they wouldn't be illegal because...some really stupid Americans want to welcome illegal immigrants to our country without effort.

I really want to backhand these people. How much do you think they'd value this country if it were handed to them? How much if they earned it? This is why this is so frustrating. Because life isn't easy. But people want them to coast. The reasoning? They trekked thousands of miles to get away from scary people. that earned them room board and education from people who spent a lifetime paying into social security (we'll never see it).
It's sickening to come to realize...supposedly good hearted people simply enjoy spending other people's money. What happens when that shit dries out? No one thinks that far ahead.

So so sick of it. Yes, it's humane to help people. But you assholes have to meet us halfway.

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