Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Maxine Waters...Or Kamala Harris

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,” Waters told a crowd in California over the weekend. “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters piggybacked on The Red Hen denying service to Sarah Sanders as global push to stonewall everyone who works for Trump as a message to...do something. Not sure what. Just something.

Anyone know what a fucking representative does? I'm not sure, but she makes millions apparently. Having been accused of living in a million dollar home anyway. I'm not sure her angle, but I will say this, she is older than shit. And, for that you have to feel a little bit of sympathy because she has lived through some REAL racism. We're talking lynchings, and n-words and fire hoses to the face. It is some REAL racism. So I can't fault her for hating Whitey, especially someone as representational of Whitey than Trump. He is the landlord that raised the rent, then turn off all the heat during winter and the air during summer. He is the man who poisoned her mule. Like in that speech Gene Hackman gives in "Mississippi Burning." And she's done really well for herself. Like the Marla Gibbs of government.

Kamala Harris is a junior Senator. She sends me fucking spam until I had to block her administrations annoying ass. For that reason alone, she's worse than Hitler. But seriously, she wants to get rid of ICE. You know those guys who go around and hunt down illegal immigrants and deport their illegal asses. Why? Because they vote for her. She doesn't give a flying fuck about Mexicans or South Americans. Certainly doesn't give a flying fuck about Asian-Americans. Why? Because Asians have been turned down by colleges for Black folk to "inject higher learning with more diversity." Do you hear the protest or rioting at this blatant disregard of discriminatory practices?
So fuck you both. Go die in a brush fire that's tearing up most of Northern California. And by the way, stop using my 17 years of tax money to sue the U.S. government because you didn't get your way over border policies, because Obama separated children then, now it's important now? You lost your chance, dumb broads.

Rumor is Harris will run for presidency in 2020. Oh God, I hope this is true. I can't wait to see her REALLY get whipped. All this from sending me fucking junkmail. Yeah, I fucking hate junkmail.

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