Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

I know this day bugs women like you wouldn't believe.
You can tell the ones that it hits the hardest by the post they make on social media. It's downplaying the event to show how insignificant this day is. When, in reality, they are empty and lonely inside.

I do that too. Goofing off when pain hits deep. They can't face the reality that some people have found love. Or their significant other has done something special for them. I would argue, finding a relationship is pretty remarkable.

The ones that disappear for this one day...it probably bugs them the most. It bugs me to see the ones I stalk gone. Har-de-har. It's funny to me, because for this one day, it seems people are weakened like when Superman is a little less super when there is a solar eclipse (he gets his power from the sun, dum-dums).

I'm not sure which I would hate more. Being at home with a girlfriend on this day when you forgot the day...OR her being on her period.

Happy Valentine's Day, jagoffs!

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