Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Big City

People think that if you can uproot and live in a big city, you can conquer anything. While this is somewhat true, I don't feel we're all that different in terms of surrounding ourselves with a support group. This is where things get messy. Since, in big cities, seems people tend to keep to themselves.

I think I've been raised with values of a bygone era. Not that I wish for days of oppressive censorship, but somehow we've equated the freedom of speech with saying anything the Hell we want. We tend to forget the other half of that, which entails sympathy. So we're left with people angry with each other. Meanwhile, as we're blaming left, right and center there are also people who just lick your pocket, leaving you helpless. The issue with living a free and easy life in the big city is...nothing is free. Everything comes with a price. Maybe in the Midwest that lrice isn't as steep as it is in urban areas. You must always weigh your sanity. Because in some cases, that will be all you have.

I have nightmares here. Tempered by good memories of what I was always able to accomplish. Nowadays, no one cares what was behind, only in front. Most people get steamrolled because you do lose momentum. A boulder rolling can/will continue to give you push back. The best thing to recommend is always...always...always know someone or ones are there to help with the load.

Being a man in the movie business is a weird role. You have to be a shameless salesman, a numbers cruncher, pragmatic and, oh right, creative. Most people will drop a few of those because it's too much.

If I gone back to my younger self with much more energy, I would've hustled harder and drank much less. Or not drank at all.

I don't blame booze at all. I blame me.

It's simply that you have so many thoughts of the movie world when you're young. As you get older, the factory floor starts to be old hat. Many people I've seen past 40 now know what this looks like.

Again, I would never discourage newcomers to do their best to break in. With your enthusiasm I would suggest finding someone who has none and is established. In the meantime make lifelong friends. They are who you constantly see going up or coming down.

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