Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Coyote Ugly" Unrated Version (2000)

Gather around children, as I tell you the tale of women who ran a bar in New York City pre-9/11. Shakin' their tushes for dough and living the high life. Nearly 20 years ago. And two Twin Towers later.

I got the unrated DVD on this and hadn't yet seen why...but Piper Perabo as Violet stage named "Jersey" gets buck nekkid and dirty with Adam someone something.

Directed by Kevin McNally the guy who brought you commercials, and produced by Super Producer of the pre-millenial Jerry Bruckheimer, "Coyote Ugly" is a movie that existed in a time when nothing was un-PC. In fact the name of the bar is after a one-night stand where you wake up sober and you'd rather gnaw your arm off than wake that ugly person up. Har-har.

The story is of a New Jersey songwriter Violet who ventures out to the big bad city of New York and attempts to break into the music industry. Many who watch this now will probably laugh themselves stupid. Because the idea is unheard of now (hint: because music industry is dead). But back then, this babe in toyland suffered the indignities of the city to come out...a superstar? Yeah, you could get away with it back then. Now...we're too smart. I guess. Internet is faster and we would fat shame Violet into voice over work.

BUT, I think there is a valuable lesson to be learned here. Nothing you want comes easy. Not even as easy as Violet seemed to have it. She isn't really seen as struggling. Only being naive, until she stumbles onto the thing she was meant to become. But, persistence is the key here. She never gave up...thanks Mia of "La La Land" world. And, though it is somewhat a dangerous lesson to be learned, since most likely Violet's first adventure to NYC would be violent and deadly, it wouldn't make much of a movie if she just got gang-raped and left for dead in some gutter while NYC ambulators stepped over her. Funny, yes...inspiring...no.

This is a very underrated movie. Which I think will get discovered again. Eventually. It's no "Dirty Dancing" but in this retro world, I think people are going to forget our grungy selves and just enjoy a movie about girls who dance on bars for money.

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