Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Mental Juggle

Someone is always better looking than you, smarter than you and make more money than you. What really draws this to focus is when you surround yourself with toxic people. Even worse when they become people that cannot help themselves.

Entertainment business requires women and men be tough as nails, but sensitive enough to know motivation and story. The plight of struggle.

When I was younger I did things for women thinking my kindness would be rewarded. I think this is because of movies. The girl who liked the bad guy would eventually see you as a good person. You can't help yourself into that role, absolutely convinced she would get wise and realize she was in love with you all along. It worked once. Well, not really, because after years, it soured...bad. So, I guess it doesn't work.

What happens when friends in creative ventures turn on one another? Simple, you move on. It's a terrible feeling to abandon or be abandon but that is a gypsy life many have come to terms with. It's a harsh life. Creative abortions are sometimes much more painful than romantic ones. It works at the core. Creative energy takes so much more. Wonder why writers drink heavily. It's to dull the pain of loss. Everything is loss. Losing your creative control. Losing hard fought ideas. Losing your mind. Overthinking it all.

Then you get something and must live with what it is. Whatever it may be. If you saddle this with any of your day to wonder how any of us survive it. I wonder too.

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