Wednesday, February 1, 2017

So You Want To Make Studio Movies

I lived at a time when movies took 3 months to shoot and another year to finish.

Those days are gone. Most of the big studios want you done and in theaters in months. This could be good or bad dependent on who you are as a filmmaker. For instance, for would be good. Since it would rely on instinct rather than unlimited time to overthink. Given time, most people overthink it. Instinct is best, though sometimes this requires a level of experience. You know what you want...move on.

I personally would not recommend any creative type to set their sites to make movies for studios. For one thing, they are about to die. And die in a way I think is unrecoverable. Studios are slowly starting to rent out their lot...similar to what Fox did in the 70's before "Star Wars" reset their clock. Today...content is within streaming house. Netflix, Amazon, Apple are all throwing their hat into the ring of original content. And gobbling up subscriptions. No advertising money television. Which is hilarious that Trump is cutting back on public t.v. It's all going to be that soon.

What does it mean for aspiring artist? Good things...I think. It means you make your own movies with your own dough and get one of these companies to buy it. You get your creative control AND have no one but yourself to motivate. That means no scumbag producer to take credit. You can be a one man band. Well, duh! You say? Yeah, this is more reason to live in a nice mellow workflow that YOU design. You are not at the mercy of some supposed brass ring that is dying. I find that a liberating thought.

I feel bad for our traditions though. A film studio backlot is a amazing place of standing history of storytelling. A lot of these places have supplemented themselves into mini-amusement parks and attractions. Dunno how long they can sustain that. History of movies...I just love it. I'm not sure why. Other than it is about memories and feelings. Some thing we may be sorely lacking these days.

Get out there and make your movie. I'll do the same.

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