Tuesday, February 7, 2017


You know...the liberal 8 years we spent condemning shaming? That's done. It's both sides seeing who can go lower. Which, the polarizing President has exposed what people really are about.

Shame and guilt to a lot of people, moves mountains, when I was a kid. Nowadays...you attempt to shame anyone, they get so offended they lash out. The asshole who parks in the middle of the road to wait for someone? Just typing that made my blood boil.

This bounce back from non-shaming to constant shaming is actually...maybe a good thing. What I hear more and more from people is that not everyone should get a trophy. My 18 year old nephew's generation may be the stoic bounceback from entitlement. He's a shithead, but I think our Gen-X parenting fucked them up royally. You can't smack them, and you can mock them. In other words, you can't toughen them up for society.

People suck, and I learned that later in life. This is NOT the same as saying I Hate People. People make it difficult to do certain things. As does the ebbs and flows of society. Especially one that no longer requires your services.

I think that why old people go nutty. Going back to my purpose talk. Everyone needs a place in society.

I hope liberals will come to realize that they are no better than conservatives. Both extremes don't work. Like comedian Chris Rock put it, you can be liberal on some things and conservative on others. To judge people also on those extremes is already unfair. I still believe we're more moderate than we let on. Though kicking up hornets nest has its entertainment. Be careful it doesn't spill to reality.

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