Monday, April 11, 2016

The Wrong Kind Of Brown Person

You would assume a guy like me would be happier than a pig in shit out here in liberal Cali. Not so. I'm the wrong kind of brown. I'm Asian and it blows. You would think people would be a little less grab-me-by-ankles and shake hard till dimes fall from my ass. But...nope. I am, again...the wrong kind of brown.

Asians in general shame each other into submission. You ever want to see this in action, watch how an Asian cop treats an Asian perp. Guess who's there cheering them on? The parent of the perp.

I get no breaks in this world. And I don't expect them. So I think most of you other brown people shouldn't either. I think it just makes you a better person in general. The other day I had a discussion about undocumented people in America. His argument is that having enough pride in America mean, EVEN if given the choice of NEVER paying taxes (why would you, you're completely off the radar), most people wouldn't. White, black or brown. So he assumed ones civic duty would trump everything else. The fuck world does this mook live in. Taxes aren't on a good will basis. As Chris Rock eloquently put it...paying taxes is a stone cold jack. Short of a knife and a canvas bag to put your valuables in, the government doesn't ask, they take. So he believes some would pay because of this. Illegal someones. Which makes him dumber than shit when it comes to human nature. Wait, strike that...naive to how human beings function. Most Americans are trying to to their best, granted. But for the most part, whenever it comes to the idiocy of our community's the most retarded system I can imagine. At least communism understands the cynicism of its people. Here, we got an inch and everyone took a mile. Fuck you and your service animal anywhere. People took that concept and exploited it to save dough on traveling with their ball licking pets.

Are we done not judging here in California? Because it's just going to get worse. I get we all need to have an equality and shits not fair. This stupid fucking government that brown people put into place is trying to equal something that will NEVER be equal. I won't be a 6'4" wide receiver for the Bengals. NEVER. Oh, but if I bitch, whine and cry...should that be equal? No, you'd tell me to go fuck myself. But let's get to pay equality. My brain is faster than some, slower than others. I think I should be paid the same as someone doing the same job, but who happens to have a little more skill set. DISCRIMINATION! I says. Go fuck yourself, they say. Since I'm not a woman, gay, transgender or _____ (apply affliction here). No wonder we have idiots begging to have something heavy fall on them. If it doesn't kill them, they're set for life with workers compensation.

Let's get real here people, start making things and do your best to support the country that gave your family a better place to live. That energy you use to attempt to fleece government, use it for finding ways to make jobs. Or make something for America. That's how this place can be great again.

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